Saturday, 20 June 2015

Everyday Makeup Look ♡

Hello everybody! This is my second blogpost today as I want to build up my blogposts. So this is going to be my everyday makeup look. As I don't wear makeup for school this is what I wear almost every weekend. In no way am I trying to say I'm professional at makeup because I'm not and its just something I enjoy! ☻ 

 first im going to be starting off with a base so im going to be using the maybelline baby skin instant pore eraser to minimise my pores and create a silky look to my skin.

♡ next im taking my maybelline dream fresh bb cream and squeezing some of this onto the back of my hand and then dotting it all of my face. then im taking my real techniques buffing brushes and blending it all in in circular motions.

♡ im then taking my collection lasting perfection concealer and dotting this under my eyes to get rid of dark circles. i used my real techniques setting brush to blend this in. once it has blended in I press down my fingers on it to make sure it's more rubbed in.
♡ to set all my makeup in im going back to my real techniques buffing brush and apply the maybelline fit me powder on the brush then im going to apply that all of my face especially in the places where i have just concealed.

♡ for bronzer im taking the rimmel natural bronzer and taking this on my temples, cheeckbones and jawline with a real techniques contour brush. sometimes my face colour doesn't match the colour of my neck or ears so I will sometimes take a bit of bronzer in those areas!

♡ im now taking my favourite blush and it is the too faced sweetheart blush in candy glow and im going to apply this on the apples of my cheeks with a real techniques multi-task brush. also if you have this blush you will probably notice it has three stripes. I mix them all together and it creates a perfect colour on my cheeks!

♡ now for my favourite part...eyes! im starting off with my maybelline scandal eyes eyeliner felt tip and im just drawing on a small cat eye. if the line on your lid isn't straight get a bit of cleanser/water and a cotton pad and gently take away the un-even line.

♡ for eyeshadow im taking my favourite ever palette and it is the too faced boudoir eyes and for my bas im taking the colour satin sheets on a real techniques base brush. once that is done im taking the colour birthday suit on a real techniques essential crease brush and applying that in my crease and a little bit on my outer corner.

♡ now for eyebrows i use the same eyeshadow palette but I use the colours garter belt and birthday suit on a real techniques accent brush and i just fill in my eyebrows but i try to make it quite natural.

10 ♡ next im taking a pair of eyelash curlers and i just curl my eyelashes and then take the benefit roller lash which is amazing! i use the side which is curved in (if that makes sense!)

11 ♡ at the minute my favourite kind of lip colours are dark nudes so i have fell in love with be with the make velvet teddy lipstick. it is such a 'Kyle Jenner' colour!

now my makeup look is complete! I love this look so much and I will include an image of my eye look if your wondering how mine turned out! ily 

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🌸 Summer Q&A 2015 🌸

Hello everybody! This is my first blogpost so I thought I should do a Q&A so you can all get to know me a little bit better! I posted picture on Instagram asking my followers to ask me some questions. So here are the questions and I will feature the instagram names of the people who asked me the question 💜

 @lilyhopexo - who is your favourite youtuber?
I have so many favourite youtubers I can't pick one! I love Zoella, LillyMae, ThatcherJoe, Twaimz and VelvetGh0t.

 @thefloralgrande - what made you start a blog?
For a while I have wanted to do something like a blog. Originally I wanted to do YouTube but I didn't feel comfortable recording myself so I thought it might be better to do a blog! 

 @vintage__cherries - what do you want to be when you older?
As I love beauty and fashion I would love something to do with that like a beautician or a model as I'm quite tall. Also I would love to be an actress!

 @pasteldani - favourite eyebrow product?
I have only started to do my eyebrows as I got them threaded a few weeks ago but I always use the too faced boudoir eyes and I use the colours garter belt and birthday suit. For a drugstore product I would use maybelline brow drama.

I hope you enjoyed my first blogpost on my blog! To build up my blogposts I will probably be posting sometime between 3pm - 4pm tonight 🌸✨ ily!

Instagram - @sprinklesofmadison
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